Guidelines for Sponsors




Guarantees 8 player/social participants – entry fees are waived
Includes invitations for 8 additional couples to all tournament social functions
Includes significant acknowledgements, a full page ad in the Directory, the company name displayed in the Player Program and on designated event signage.
Company logo also displayed on WOTT website with a link to the company’s website along with prominent logo banners on the tournament grounds

U.S. OPEN SPONSOR $12,000+

Guarantees 6 player/social participants – entry fees are waived
Includes invitations for 6 additional couples to all tournament social functions
Includes significant acknowledgements, a ½ page ad in the Directory, the company name displayed in the Player Program and on designated event signage.
Company logo also displayed on WOTT website with a link to the company’s website along with prominent logo banners on the tournament grounds


Guarantees 4 player/social participants – entry fees are waived
Includes invitations for 4 additional couples to the Thursday Night Party only
Includes significant acknowledgements, a ½ page ad in the Directory, the company name displayed in the Player Program and on designated event signage. Company logo also displayed on WOTT website with a link to the company’s website along with banners on the tournament grounds


Guarantees 3 player/social participants – entry fees are waived
Includes invitations for 3 additional couples to the Thursday Night Party only
Includes company name displayed in the Player Program and on designated event signage


Guarantees 2 player/social participants – entry fee is NOT waived
Includes invitations for 2 additional couples to the Thursday Night Party only
Includes company name displayed in the Player Program and on designated event signage


Guarantees 1 player/social participant – entry fee is NOT waived
Includes invitation for 1 additional couple to the Thursday Night Party only
Includes company name displayed in the Player Program and on designated event signage


Guarantees 1 player/social participant – entry fee is NOT waived
Includes company name displayed in the Player Program


1) Player/social entry fee is $600
2) All first-year E&P participants are required to sponsor a minimum of $750
3) All E&P companies with 3 or more participants must sponsor
4) All non-E&P participants must sponsor a minimum of $750 per player

WOTT Loves Our Sponsors!

WOTT loves our sponsors and the charitable contributions that make our tournament great.